PCN - Product Change Notifications

WIMA PCN-MPRY-2013-0001

Wimalogo.jpg Description of Change: The values 1000 pF - 0.1 μF / 250 VAC of the WIMA MP 3R-Y2 range have been discontinued with immediate effect. The values will be replaced by the existing 300 VAC voltage range.

Classification of Change: Minor Change

Reason for Change: Upgrading of the passive flammability test category "C" to "B". Increase of the rated voltage from 250 VAC to 300 VAC.

Part No./Series/Product Group affected*: WIMA MP 3R-Y2, 1000 pF - 0.1 μF, 250 VAC

Further information in the PCN to the right.

Veröffentlicht am 08.06.2016


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