Vishay | Brand BCcomponents128 SAL-RPM Aluminum Capacitors Solid AI, Radial Pearl Miniature


  • AC voltage up to 0.8 x UR allowed
  • application with 0R resistance allowed
  • charge and discharge proof
  • compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC
  • Excellent low temperature, impedance and ESR behaviour
  • extended high temperature range up to 175 °C
  • Extremely long useful life, 20 000 h/125 °C
  • high temperature
  • max. height 10 mm
  • orange colored
  • radial
  • resin dipped
  • reverse DC voltage up to 0.3 x UR allowed
  • solid electrolyte MnO2
  • solide electrolyt


  • audio/ video
  • DC to DC converter
  • smoothing, filtering and buffering
Vishay | Brand BCcomponents

Mehr von Vishay | Brand BCcomponents


128 SAL-RPM Aluminum Capacitors Solid AI, Radial Pearl Miniature ist für folgende Applikationen verwendbar


128 SAL-RPM Aluminum Capacitors Solid AI, Radial Pearl Miniature befindet sich in folgenden Kategorien:

Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors (ELKO)

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